Monday, November 10, 2008

Men's retreat teaching (part 1)

Just got back from a Men's retreat and thought I would share what I learned from the first talk, then in my next post what I learned from the second talk.

The theme of the retreat was Into the Wild: Messages from the book of Numbers. Talbot (the pastor of Good Shepherd UMC) talked about how the enemies of God could not defeat the men of God in Numbers 22-25 by conventional means. So the enemies of God defeat the men of God with distractions. Specifically distractions of sexually immorality and food.

Isn't it true that most Christian men try to live for God and that the enemy cannot steal their heart. So what does the enemy do, the enemy steals their eyes. He distracts them and takes them down a path that meets their greatest cravings, namely, sexual cravings. Its so easy to go down that path, especially when our culture normalizes sexually explicit behavior.

What is distracting you from living the life God wants you to live today? Ask yourself what that is and ask God to give you the wisdom to name it and strength to remove it from your life.

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