Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Post Ordination Thoughts

People have asked me if I feel different after being ordained.  I really don't.  Maybe that will change after I preach the first time since then but up to this point I feel the same.
How I "feel" takes nothing away anything from what happened in ordination.  Like I have written and said before, "feelings are fickle, they come and they go, they can change in an instant.  Therefore, our feelings don't define us, our God does."  How I feel about it doesn't change the impact of it.

I will say it seemed to happen really fast.  Like most things in life we look forward too.  I waited and waited and waited and waited with great anticipation and then it was over in a flash.  I assumed it would be like that but it still seems like it was too quick.

I really enjoyed the celebration beforehand.  We had dinner with family and friends before the service and it was just such a neat thing to get all those people together around the same table.

One really neat thing about the service itself was how emotional the Bishop was before ordaining us.  You could tell that he didn't take it lightly.  That he didn't just consider it as part of his job or as just another responsibility he had as Bishop.  You could tell that he counted it a privilege and honor to ordain us...thank you for that Bishop Goodpaster!

It was a great weekend and I will cherish it for as long as I live.

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