Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100th Post

This is my 100th post. It seems like such a milestone, which got me thinking about other milestones in my life, so here some of them (as they come to mind) in no particular order:

-Thursday, February 7th: my first blog
-August 21, 1999: wedding date
-May 2004: graduated seminary (Gordon-Conwell)
-Dec 31, 1976: my birthdate
-July 8, 2004: my first daughter's birthday
-Dec 28, 2007: my second daughter's birthday
-Dec 2006: The greatest 30th surprise birthday party ever thrown
-Don't remember the date: skydiving
-June 2006: first appointment as a UM clergy (unofficially started in March)
-May 1999: graduated college (UNC-Wilmington)
-Summer 2000: bought our first house (still living there)
-This morning: our 5 year old made her bed by herself for the first time

I'm not feeling well today. However, making this list perked me up a little bit. How about you? What would your milestone list look like? Why don't you make one, you might just find you've been more blessed in your life than you remember.

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