Friday, February 11, 2011

New Logo

The church I serve has a new logo, it looks like this. 

We used a website to host a logo design contest to get it.

Some people initially see a heart.  Some people initially see a path to the cross.  Some people initially see two persons (either facing in or facing out).  Some people do not see the two persons but see two sliver random dots (which is what I saw the first time I viewed the logo).

I like that it creates conversation.  That's a good thing.
I asked a couple of friends of mine that have graphic design backgrounds to pick which one they thought was the best from the website.  They picked the one you see.

I asked two people in the church that have artistic skills and good artistic eyes to tell me which one they thought were the best.  They picked the one you see.

We also had a church vote through facebook and in person (even though only two people showed up).  The majority vote was the one you see.
I like that we can pull the image aside if we want to use just it and not the wording.  I like that it's modern but still keeps the traditional symbol of the United Methodist Church (which is the cross and flame).

The next step is to get a website for the church to put this on.  It's already budgeted for and I hope to get a team started on it soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great logo. It says it all in a very simple way!