Monday, May 16, 2011

Sacred Marriage

We are in a message series called Sacred Marriage at Catawba UMC.  It's a series based off the book of the same title written by Gary Thomas.  The question Gary Thomas explores in the book is this: What if God designed marriage to make us holy rather than to make us happy

What I appreciate about the book is that it is not one of those 5 Ways to a Happy Marriage or 7 Steps to a Perfect Marriage, it's actually more like a biblical theology of marriage.  It's a way to understand holiness within the context of marriage.

I've enjoyed re-reading the book and preaching the ideas from the book.  My hope is that it both strengthens our marriages and helps all of us (married or not) pursue a life of holiness.

To hear either of the first two messages you can scroll down to the bottom of this blog and download or play it from the Sermon player.  Or you can go here and click the Messages tab.

Here's the video of the song I played at the beginning of the message yesterday:

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