Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

This is a passage I read to people in the hospital or in nursing homes quite often. Its an excellent pastoral scripture that brings people comfort. I used to think it was about Jesus taking away our burdens and giving us rest, actually, its about Jesus offering himself.

Sometimes we can become so familiar with a passage we forget to look at it closely. That what had happened to me on this one.

Jesus never even hints at taking away burdens and weariness, he does however offer Himself. Now I know he offered himself on the cross for us years ago. But this offering is a daily offering. He is available for us to come to Him for rest AND for learning. Taking Jesus' yoke means submitting ourselves to his teaching, his way, his will, his hope, his ideal life. And that ideal life is only found in him. And our part is simply to come to him with a willingness to learn from him.

This passage isn't so much about our circumstances, as it is about the one we turn to when our circumstances cause weariness and seem heavy. In those moments in time and seasons of life, Jesus offers himself. His promise is that if we come and offer our weariness and burdens to him, he will be the gentle and humble savior we need him to be for us at that time.

May you see through your circumstances, to the one who wants to walk with you through them.

1 comment:

draysult said...

I believe there are times He shouldn't take our burdens from us because then we would continue to rely on self instead of Him. I tend to try and take James 1 to heart during my struggles and know that I can turn to Him for the strength for in any situation. Thanks for the reminder!!