Monday, September 14, 2009

Soul Sharing

As part of the process of ordination in the United Methodist Church, I have to participate in a R.I.O.M. group (Residency in Ordained Ministry). The group consists of fellow clergy at a similar professional level and we are led by a mentor.

Today was the first meeting of our 2nd year together and the mentor basically just let each of share what was going in our lives and ministries for the first 3 hours of our time together. There was a lot of gut level soul sharing that happened. It was good.

I know I needed to hear some things and share some things and it was helpful to me both personally and professionally. How about you? When is the last time you did some soul sharing and soul listening? If its been awhile, call that person you can trust, better yet, schedule a breakfast, lunch or dinner together just to get caught up. Reconnect with that person and get some stuff out and let some stuff in. It will do you good!

1 comment:

draysult said...

Thanks for the advice. We sometimes forget the importance of simply talking and listening to those that we trust.