Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Back in Town

I was out of town for a week on vacation at Myrtle Beach.  I'm just getting back into the swing of things.  This vacation was actually gifted to us.  Two years ago someone in our church offered our family a vacation and we took it in '08.  This same person offered another for Spring break this year, it was such a huge blessing.  I saw her at church when we returned and she asked if it was relaxing, I said "no, but it was a lot of fun and very nice to get away."  It is hard to relax when the kids want to play and run and don't sleep as well because they're in a strange place.  My daughters are 5 and 2 so they demand a lot of our time.  We love it and its fun, but the only time to relax is in the evenings when they've gone to bed. 

It is so important to make memories for children.  When I think about some of the best and most poignant memories with my family, many of them are from times of vacationing.  So I'm glad the children have another trip of stored memories.  When's the last time you made a memory with your family?  Why not do something soon, you will be glad you did years from now!

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