Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not our Future

The youth are not our future.  Paul didn't write that we are the body of Christ once we graduate high school. 

To say that our youth are only the future is to take away their purpose now.  They are not just our future.  The church needs our youth now.  Here's a few things they offer that I believe the church today is in desperate need of:

- authenticity
- energy
- passion
- new ideas
- technological savvy
- emotional spirituality
(yes this can be a detriment too, but balanced with Biblical truth it is desperately needed in our churches)
- stories of hope and victory
- curiosity

Let us never limit our youth to only being useful for the kingdom of God in our future.  They can be used now.  God has a purpose for each of us, no matter how old or young we are.

This is why I'm excited about our youth leading our services this Sunday.  I think they are going to create an experience that draws us closer to God's purpose for each of our lives.

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