Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sermon Recap - What to Mimic

In John 13:1-17 Jesus' washes his disciples feet.  This is the ultimate act of humility.  It is a foreshadowing of what Jesus would do for his disciples on the cross.  He cleanses them physically in this text only later to cleanse them spiritually.

My favorite part of this story is Jesus' interaction with Peter.  After Peter emphatically declares "you shall never wash my feet" (this is out of respect for who Jesus is) Jesus says in verse 8 "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."  Peter still doesn't quite get it proving Jesus words just before this that he wouldn't understand what he was doing until later on.

The message centered around this main idea: "Humility is our way to God, because it's God's way to us."

This act of washing His disciples feet was an act of humility for Jesus and for the disciples.  Jesus disarms His disciples with this act and invites them into a new kind of relationship based on mutual servanthood.

At the end of the story Jesus tells his disciples to do for each other what he has done for them and that if they do that, they will be blessed.

May you be the kind of person who cultivates Christ-like humility and finds closeness with God and closeness with the other relationships that matter most in your life because of it.

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